The advantages of a bio-ethanol fireplace compared to a gas fireplace


For quite a few years now, fireplaces lead the category of heaters for the winter season, both because of their heating quality and because of their appearance. One of the leading factors in the intensifying trend of fireplaces is the special atmosphere they create. There are different types of fireplaces, which two of them are the gas fireplace and bio-ethanol fireplace, while the second option presents more advantages in different parameters.


Gas fireplaces

A gas fireplace, as its name implies, is a fireplace connected to the gas system outside the house, which uses gas as a heating source. It has several advantages and two main disadvantages. The first is the complexity of constructing an infrastructure for the chimney and piping of the gas fireplace, required for the emission of gases that must find their way out. In addition, gas is gas, with all the risks involved, so the current trend is to not approve the introduction of gas fireplaces in residential buildings, for safety reasons.


Bio-ethanol fireplace – a wide range of benefits

The “bio” part in the fireplace’s name refers to the source from which its energy is produced. A bio-ethanol fireplace is a fireplace with fuel produced mainly from vegetable sources such as corn, eliminating the use of any pollutants and the production of smoke and soot. This is an ecological clean fireplace that contributes to protecting the environment, thanks to the fact that its burning emits heat, steam and carbon dioxide absorbed by plants and then processed through photosynthesis, which contributes to the development of plants and the environment. In fact, bio-ethanol creates an endless natural cycle of producing a burning source produced from nature and feeding it back.


Bio-ethanol fireplace – advantages

  • No emission of pollutants – there are quite a few people who fear introducing pollutants in their home, where children and pets can be exposed to them. There is no doubt that when using the substances nature provides us with, plant-based high-quality substances, there is no emission of pollutants. Living in a home without pollutants’ emission means living in a cleaner healthier home, living in a more pleasant home with fewer worries. Imagine sitting in front of a real fire but with no smoke or soot, isn’t this much more fun? You should try it, it’s addictive.
  • Protecting the environment – nowadays the awareness to environmental protection increases. If in the past people put less emphasis on the materials they use and how harmful they are to the planet, today there is a lot of talk about this issue in the media, governments allocate budgets to protect the environment, mainly due to the understanding that if we don’t take different steps today, our children and grandchildren will pay the price for this in the coming years. Protecting the environment means, inter alia, reducing the use of pollutants. The less pollutants we use, the less damage will be made to the planet, and this is definitely possible by using bio ethanol fireplaces.
  • Safety – safety is ultimately above all and we do quite a bit to maintain it. Even if we don’t have children in our house, and certainly if we do, we should reduce the number of risks in the house and use objects and components involving minimum risk or no risk at all. Bio-ethanol fireplaces offer high level of safety.
  • A bio-ethanol fireplace does not require installing a chimney – due to the fact that bio-ethanol fireplaces do not require any connection to a chimney or to any certain infrastructure like a gas fireplace, offers complete freedom of design to create a fashionable piece of furniture that hosts a bio-ethanol burner and is suitable for both indoor and outdoor use, while creating minimalist aesthetics and allowing heating both smaller and bigger spaces.
  • Appearance – a bio-ethanol fireplace has a unique appearance, thanks to the ethanol, which creates the appearance of dancing flames in the fireplace, making the space more beautiful and inviting.
  • Easy to apply – from a design and practical point of view, it is easy and simple to integrate the fireplace as part of an accented wall or home library using relatively simple carpentry or plaster work.
  • Easy to operate and service – a bio-ethanol fireplace involves simple and manual operation, requires almost no regular maintenance and is perfectly suited to the climate in Israel.


In conclusion, there is no doubt that bio ethanol fireplaces have many advantages, which is why they are becoming more and more popular in recent years. Buyers of these fireplaces become addicted and spend the winter days with greater warmth and a pleasant atmosphere.


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